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An event devoted to the youth of the cattle industry!
Our young members are invited to join us for junior-exclusive conformation classes.
We will be offering purebred and Hereford Influence classes.
New this year, we will be welcoming juniors to bring cattle from any breed to join our All Other Breeds classes.


Calling 𝐀𝐋𝐋 youth, ages 9-18, in the Canadian Beef Industry!

This is your opportunity to win a 2024 born F1 Hereford Cross

or Purebred heifer calf to add to or start your herd!


Join us on Saturday, November 2 as 14 F1 & 2 Purebred heifer calves will be given away to our Queen of Hearts participants.


All youth wishing to participate in the Queens of Hearts event must:

- register in advance on AssistExpo ,

- check-in on the day of the event to be entered into the lotteries,

- be on-site when the heifers are drawn.


Register online for the Queen of Hearts Youth Program at

Queen of Hearts Youth Program (1).png

Queen of Hearts Itinerary
10:00am   Youth Check-in
                 Welcome - Ringside
11:00am   Youth Presentation: Ultrasound with Grant Hirsche
The importance of carcass data
12:00pm   Heifer Lottery & Ear Tag Draw
  1:30pm   Youth Pizza Party & Social


This year, the junior show programming will feature a new competition aimed at juniors looking to hone their cattle marketing skills. Competitors can enter any of the three competitions whether or not they will be attending the show with cattle. The three competitions will be:

  1. Digital Advertising: Juniors will submit a series of digital advertisements marketing a specific animal. The advertisements will include a print-ready ad for a magazine and a plan for a social media advertising campaign.

  2. Show Presentation: Juniors will be assessed on the presentation of an animal and their stall during a set period at the Showcase. For juniors not bringing their own cattle, entrants can be matched with exhibitors volunteering use of their animals on a first come, first served basis.

  3. In-Person Marketing: An anonymous judge will speak with junior competitors in the barns at the Showcase to assess their ability to speak to prospective customers and sell their animal. Set time frames during which the judge may be visiting the juniors will be provided so that the juniors do not have to be present at their stall at all times.


© 2025 by the Alberta Hereford Association

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