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Our History

The Alberta Hereford Association was registered as a society on June 11, 1971.
The twelve cattlemen who came together to achieve this purpose were:

Dwaine Jones, Balzac

Ronald Hanson, Airdrie

Murray Stauffer, Eckville

Carl W. Schielke, Carstairs

Frank J. Adby, Edmonton

Ray Powlesland, Del Bonita

Louis Latimer, Olds

George Edgar, Innisfail

Walter Blume, Castor

Douglas M. Fraser, Hussar

Robert Sturgeon, Grimshaw

Oscar Peterson, Marwayne

To promote, encourage and assist in the rearing, raising, breeding, improvement or development of Hereford cattle in Albera.
The Board consists of twelve Directors. Six directors were chosen from each of the six area Hereford clubs and six were directors-at-large. The six area clubs included Central (1948), East Central (1956), Northern (1951), Peace River (1953), Calgary and District (1952) and Southern (1951).
The AHA Board of Directors granted authority for the establishment of an Alberta Junior Hereford Association in 1971. The AJHA is governed by its own Constitution but is responsible to the AHA. The purpose of the Junior Club is to stimulate and develop interest among our Junior Hereford breeders and assist the AHA in carrying out its objectives.
To increase Hereford awareness and create a positive attitude toward Hereford cattle.
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